Schritte international Neu 4: Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Kursbuch + Arbeitsbuch + CD zum Arbeitsbuch A2.2
Course book section:
- all lessons follow a clear structure for high learning transparency
- new photo audio stories as an introduction to each lesson
- interesting texts and diverse regional studies
- inductive grammar promotes awareness and understanding
- preparation for everyday working life through increased professional relevance
- strengthening of learner autonomy through a double page on grammar and language with exercises and learning aids at the end of each lesson
- transparency through learning goals with the option of self-assessment
- flexible addition to the lesson content through the “In between… pages”
- all audio files and films for the course book can be accessed via mobile devices (smartphone, tablet PC) with a free app
Workbook section:
- exercises and repetition exercises at different levels of difficulty for internal differentiation
- systematically structured writing training
- vocabulary training for targeted vocabulary acquisition
- a detailed phonetics program
- tasks for Multilingual approach
- examination tasks
- learner tests with self-evaluation and further training program in the textbook service
- integrated focus pages offer numerous additional materials on the topics of work and everyday life.
- learning vocabulary pages at the end of the book with illustrations and example sentences, writing lines and learning tips
- a systematic grammar overview in the appendix
Publisher: Hueber Verlag (2021)
Language: German
Page count: 204
Dimensions: 21.1 x 1.2 x 28.1 cm
Weight: 0.58 kg
ISBN: 9783196010848